From the Market Level dropdown menu, select Micro (Tract).
Next, select from the Compared dropdown menu.
Nationally: Map out with a percentile score compared to all areas covered by Market Stadium
Among Selected: Map out with a percentile score compared to all areas within populated areas on the map
Go to Advancedat the bottom.
You should be in Current tab by default. Scroll down to find Housing Demand category under Housing. Choose one of the factors below:
Net Migration (2015-2019 accumulated; Net Area-to-Area Migration Flow (5-year estimate) )
Moved in 2019 or later (Owner-Occupied)
Moved in 2019 or later (Renter-Occupied)
Hit Update.
The map will reflect your results. You can either zoom in (at least level 7) onto a highlighted area and hit Search This Areabuttonat the center of the map, or search by MSA name.
To look up a specific MSA, hit ➕ icon next to Search This Area.
Type in the MSA name. You can also search multiple MSAs at one time.
Hit Search. You will see the MSA area you searched colored in. If you cannot see your results, zoom in at level 7 or more onto the approximate area of your MSA.