MSA / County
- Select either Current, Growthor Forecast tabs from the top navigation to see different Market Scores reflected on the map. Default Market Level is at MSA (City). Go to the dropdown menu on the far left side to pick a different Market Level.
- To select more than one Market Score or apply different weights to them, go to Customize on the far right side above the map.
- Under the Basic tab, select at least two Market Scores. Put in the ratio number that you want to apply. Hit Update.
- To create your own Market Score, go to the Advanced tab next to Basic. Choose factors from the Market Score tabs at the top.
- Current contains latest available factors
- Growth contains generally 1, 2, and 3 year average year-over-year change %.
- Forecast contains year-over-year change % for the next 3 to 5 years.
- You can also use the search bar to look up specific factors. After making your selection, click on the Basket icon on the right side of the search bar to review your choices. Hit Update.
- To save your selection for later use, click Save Selection button at the bottom next to Update. Name your list then click Save. Click the Folder icon right next to Basket icon when you want to load the list back.
If you want to select Zipcode or Mirco (Tract), go to the corresponding tab at the top of this panel for a detailed guide.