Definition: Which factors/sub-factors make “Market Score”

Definition: Which factors/sub-factors make “Market Score”

Market Stadium provides Market Score & Factors/Sub-Factors that are consist of Market Score
  1. Market Scores: Market Stadium created Market Score (valuation) using 30+ factors driving housing value
  2. Current Market Score Indicators: This explains what are the factors/sub-factors that consist of the Current Score (99.2/100)
    1. A Score is a percentile score (a scale of 1-100) based on actual value compared to all other areas Market Stadium covers. For Instance, the Connectivity score is 100 and it represents that it has the 1st rank compared to all other areas Market Stadium covers.
  3. Dropdown by each factor: if you click “3”, you will be able to see sub-factors that consist of each factor (e.g.) sub-factors for factor “Connectivity”. We created each factor score based on a mixture of related sub-factors with equally weighted
    1. For example, the below shows a factor & sub-factors under housing supply that consist of “Current Score” which is created based on the latest available factor/sub-factors. The Housing Supply score is 100 which means that it has many supplies in the near future in terms of building permission and more weight on a 5+ units building. If you click each factor/sub-factor name, you will see a description of it
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    3. Another example, below shows a factor & sub-factors under housing supply that consist of the “Growth Score” which is created based on the past growth of factor/sub-factors. The Housing Supply Growth score is 64.3 which means that building permission had been increased more for the last 1 year compared to all other areas that Market Stadium covers. If you click each factor/sub-factor name, you will see a description of it
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  4. Dropdown for all factors simultaneously: if you click “4”, you will be able to see all sub-factors under all factors simultaneously