Snip a Map & Download as PDF

Snip a Map & Download as PDF

  1. Zoom in at level 10 or more to a specific area you want to look at.
  2. Click on the eraser icon on the top left corner to remove the Tier colors from the map. Click on the paint bucket icon to put the colors back.
  3. image
  4. From the Layers dropdown menu, select any layers you want.
  5. From the Spots dropdown menu right below Layers, select any spots you want.
  6. To check the peak hour traffic volume, click on the 🛣️ road icon at the top right corner of the map under the search bar. Colored lines will appear on the map. Red means heavy traffic, orange to yellow means medium, while green means light traffic.
  7. To download or print the map, click on the 🖨️ print icon below the traffic icon.
  8. Choose each option and hit Generate. The snapshot of the map will be downloaded onto your browser.
  9. 💡
    You can use this option after mapping out each factor or other options too!